Policy Priorities
The Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus advocates for policy and legislation that will uplift our Latino and immigrant communities, while also benefitting our state. We believe in achieving equity, fairness, and the advancement of disadvantaged populations, including undocumented community members. Our focus includes making healthcare more accessible, ensuring every student has educational opportunities, protecting and fighting for our workers, and restoring community relations with police. We want to bring the Latino perspective to every conversation so that the voices of thousands of Marylanders are heard.
Our 2023 Priorities:
HB1098- Multilingualism is an Asset
HB56- Dual Language Education - Teacher Certification, Program Implementation, and Study
Economic Investment
HB0547- Family Prosperity Act of 2023
Affordable Housing
Healthcare Access
Language Access
HB1144 Equal Access to Public Services for Individuals with Limited English Proficiency
Environmental Justice
If you are a bill sponsor or community advocate who would like the Latino Caucus to support a bill, contact our office: latino.caucus@house.state.md.us